Tag Archives: Kayachikitsa

Alambushadi yoga and Dhanyamla Kayaseka in Amavata

#0026 Kayachikitsa

Evaluation of comparative efficacy of Alambushadi yoga and Dhanyamla Kayaseka in Amavata (Rheumatoid Arthritis), By Shyju Ollakkod, 2001-2004, Department of Kayachikitsa, Post graduate studies and research center D.G. MELMALAGI AYURVEDIC MEDICAL COLLEGE, Gadag – 582 103,

Amavata is a disease in which improperly metabolized intermediate byproducts known as Ama become the core cause of the disease. i.e. cause of inflammation and degenerative processes and the Ama is traversed and get deposited in different parts of the body by the vitiated Vata. Highly significant change was provided by all the three treatment groups in chief complaints, Ritchie Articular Index, Madhavakara Index of Amavata, Anajana Nidana Index of Amavata, Basavarajiya Index of Amavata, Extra Articular manifestation of RA-index, Global disease assessment by patient and physician, Arthritis impact measurement scale, Physical disability, Walking time, Grip strength, Range of movements, ESR, Disease activity score as per DAS, and DAS-28. Change in lymphocyte count percentage was significant in group B and group C. significant change in CRP was provided in group C only. Change in CRP, Hb% and LC % was not significant in group A. Alambushadi Yoga and Dhanyamla Kaya Seka in group A and group B respectively provided better relief in RAI. It may also be said that if both Alambushadi Yoga and Dhanyamla Kaya Seka are added to routine treatment of Amavata, then the rate of complete relief may be further increased. [Read Full Text]

Nagaradi Churna in Pravahika

#0025 Kayachikitsa

“The evaluation of efficacy of Nagaradi Churna in Pravahika with special reference to Amoebic dysentery” Basavaraj G. swami, 2000-03, Department of Kayachikitsa,Post Graduate Studies & Research Center, D.G. MELMALAGI AYURVEDIC MEDICAL COLLEGE, GADAG

Out of many diseases in the gastrointestinal tract, the important are Pravahika, Atisara, and Grahani. Susruta and Madhavakara have first identified Pravahika as distinctive disease and Charaka as a symptom in kaphaja Atisara. Basically unhygienic conditions are the causes of spread of the disease. It is manifested via the oral cavity along with food and water. The disease is the result of the vitiation of Samanavata, Kledakakapha and Apanavata. Probably in these cases of Pravahika, once the person takes more of virrudha ahara or Ama kara ahara for the formation of Ama. To study literary search on Pravahika vis-a-vis amoebic dysentery

The following conclusions can be drawn on the basis of literature and observations made in this study. The Pravahika is the condition, which is almost, resembles the disease amoebic dysentery. Etiological factors for the Pravahika and Atisara are the same. The etiology of Pravahika and amoebic dysentery are similar. The Nagaradi Churna found effective in Pravahika. It is effective in chronic cases of Pravahika and more effective in fresh reported cases.



#0024 Kayachikitsa